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    1 year MA- IR and CD- Siena

    ICD Press
    ICD Press
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    1 year MA- IR and CD- Siena Empty 1 year MA- IR and CD- Siena

    Message  ICD Press Ven 1 Juil - 16:16

    One Year Executive Master in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy

    The Degree is offered by the University of Siena in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
    The Executive Master in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy is a One Year Program offered by the University of Siena in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy.

    The program provides a foundation in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach in the framework of international relations theory and political science. The degree focuses on several academic disciplines related to International Relations, Global Politics and Global Governance, with a particular emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy and its historical and contemporary application in the public sector, private sector and civil society. The program addresses contemporary international issues, with classroom seminars and lectures, as well as educational & cultural events, conferences, professional trainings, tours, visits and meetings with foreign officials, which are further incorporated into the curriculum. Students will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of International Relations, Global Governance, Communication, Politics, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, and Development.
    The program provides students with practical experience for both academic and professional development, preparing students for careers in diverse fields, such as international relations, the humanities, politics, Culture, foreign policy and international economics. The international environment of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies offers students a unique opportunity to interact with leading experts and academics at a wide variety of international organizations and research centers. This exceptional learning environment leads to original research and independent study opportunities. On a practical level, it allows students to create a solid professional network and form a concrete base for future academic and professional career choices, preparing students for engagement in the international arena, civil society, politics, governmental organizations and international economic organizations, as well as the private sector.
    Program Curriculum
    The Program consists of 60 ECTS Credits in total and has duration of two semesters, which take place in both Berlin, Germany and Siena, Italy, a Professional Development Training Program, designed individually for each student and a Thesis to be submitted towards the completion of the program.
    This unique structure of the program provides the students with the advantage of learning in 2 different major European cities and thus the opportunity to gain academic, professional and personal experience from living in different cultures. Furthermore, the program’s structure provides a unique opportunity to benefit from the study environment in both an international nongovernmental organization and a traditional public University..
    Further information about the Program’s structure and curriculum is found under:
    The Master’s Degree is awarded by the University of Siena, which is recognized as a fully accredited institution of higher education with the right to award university degrees. As part of the Bologna process, Credits obtained through our MA program are equivalent to those of courses at universities in all other 30+ signatory countries. Students will earn 60 credits upon completion completion and will be awarded the degree First level of Master (Executive Master).
    Individuals studying for an MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy will represent a diverse range of cultural and academic backgrounds. Candidates will include recent BA graduates as well as young professionals who combine academic background with work experience. Individuals are required to hold a BA degree (or equivalent Degree) of minimum of 3 years studies*, as degrees from across the world and from any field are acceptable.
    We do not consider any one element of an application exclusively. Rather, our admissions panel considers academic achievement as well as personal qualities such as strength of character, motivation and the ability and willingness to take on new academic challenges. Our aim is to attract students from a variety of backgrounds and countries that will foster a unique and diverse learning environment.
    • Current undergraduate students are able to submit an application and participate in the pre-enrolment process, by submitting a confirmation of their current studies and their transcripts.
    All courses are taught in English, thus an Evidence of adequate competence in English is required for the applicants who don’t have English as mother tongue. If you have studied at least 1 semester in an English language and/or have extensive working experience in the English language, a certificate/Document which attests this fact will be sufficient as well.
    The application form is found under:
    Once submitting the online application form, we will then refer to you with an e-mail, indicating your application reference code and will outlining all the next steps, including the supporting documents required for the application.
    Applications are being processed on a regular base, as enrolment to the program is possible towards fall, winter and spring start, each year.
    Enrolments to the Program are possible towards the fall, winter and spring semesters’ start each year. Applications for the program are accepted throughout the year. For additional information on the Admission Process and the supporting documents required, please visit our website.

    Tuition Cost - The tuition cost is 9,000 Euros for the full program (1 Year). The fees cover only the tuition fees, and do not include housing or any other living costs and related expense. The fees could be divided into two payments of 5000 euros and 4000 euros.
    Personal Costs - The ICD and the University of Siena are happy to assist you with advice and support for finding your housing in Berlin and Siena and offer you as well possible affordable accommodation solutions.
    Scholarships and Financial Aid - Scholarships, equaling up to 10% deduction of tuition costs are available for students based on educational excellence and financial need. Although each scholarship request will be evaluated on an individual basis, students are expected to have an above-average grade point of 4.5 (of 5.0) in order to qualify for a grant and then to prove financial need. The Financial Aid application is a two-step process; Students interested in applying for a scholarship are required to submit their initial aid application request as soon as they have formally applied to the program, completed the first step of the application, and have been accepted into the program. Scholarships are then determined for the second semester.
    For more information, please visit our website:

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 10:41