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    Art as Cultural Diplomacy- A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

    ICD Press
    ICD Press
    Jeune Citizen
    Jeune Citizen

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    Art as Cultural Diplomacy- A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) Empty Art as Cultural Diplomacy- A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

    Message  ICD Press Mer 9 Jan - 12:52

    Art as Cultural Diplomacy- A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)
    Held parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival
    Weeklong Seminar
    (Berlin, February 13th-17th, 2013)

    Seminar Agenda
    Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is a network of students and young professionals who have an interest in exploring the field of art as a vehicle for cultural diplomacy. Participants join the forum by taking part in an ACD Weeklong Seminar, following which they are encouraged to conduct their own research and organize their own activity in the field.
    ICD Weeklong Seminars are targeted at individuals with an active interest in art & music, cultural studies, international relations, political science, peace studies, and diplomacy. Weeklong Seminars are held every 6 months and consist of 4-5 day programs of lectures, seminars, and workshops, together with cultural and social activities. The Seminars aim to give the participants an insight into key perspectives on the potential for art to serve as a vehicle of cultural diplomacy, introduce them to a network of like-minded individuals, and allow them to explore the cultural landscape of the city of Berlin/London. Speakers during the seminars include individuals from the fields of politics, diplomacy, academia, culture & the arts, civil society, and the private sector
    The Next ACD Weeklong Seminar will take place in Berlin, February 13th - 17th, 2012.

    Seminar Speakers
    The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

    Seminar Participants
    The Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is open to young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

    Certificate of attendance
    All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Members of the ICD’s Advisory Board will authorize each certificate.

    To apply please visit:

    For more information please visit:

      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 5 Déc - 3:43