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    The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference

    ICD Press
    ICD Press
    Jeune Citizen
    Jeune Citizen

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    The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference Empty The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference

    Message  ICD Press Jeu 13 Sep - 15:45

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, we are writing to bring to your attention our upcoming programs hosted by the ICD, in partnership with other leading institutions. We would be grateful if you could forward the information below to anyone you feel might be interested in participating.


    The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
    “Multiculturalism, the 2012 Global Debate: Strengthening Intercultural Relations through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy”
    (Berlin, November 7th - 9th, 2012 - Held parallel to “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall”)

    Contemporary Germany consists of a diverse multicultural landscape of individuals whose origins stem from every continent of the world. These multicultural individuals/communities both live and work together, and as such the question of defining the German identity becomes a major question for the German public at large. In addition, new opportunities and challenges are faced in developing and maintaining international and intercultural relations both within the framework of the EU and internationally. On a global level, the question of multiculturalism is a growing issue and will be a main world focus for the next generations. Western countries are engaging with Multiculturalism policies on a significant basis and are continually amending and reinventing to fit the policies to an ever changing world.

    The ICD recognizes the opportunity for Cultural Diplomacy to serve as a bridge between people of different cultures. The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference will therefore focus on the potential for Cultural Diplomacy to further promote and strengthen multicultural relations both in Germany and worldwide. The application of these new practices of multicultural dialogue and exchange will be analyzed during the Conference and will offer a wide diversity of perspectives on the issue of cultural bridges in Germany and internationally. The Conference will consist of a series of simultaneous sessions of lectures, panel discussions, interactive roundtable discussions, seminars, group visits, excursion and cultural activities.

    The Conference will be held parallel to the “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall” and the participants will be able to participate in the official ceremony and events which will be a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and contemporary context of German unity.

    The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums
    Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars 2012
    (Weeklong Seminars, Berlin, September - November, 2012)

    The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums are networks of young individuals, who share an interest in strengthening German intercultural relations in addition to exploring the challenges and opportunities facing Germany, both domestically and internationally. The forums provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion and exchange on salient issues concerning German culture, society and related political and economic subjects. At the international level, the program seeks to analyze the roles and responsibilities of Germany in the emerging new world order. Through these discussions and exchanges, the forums play a valuable role in strengthening relations between Germany's cultural communities and between its international partners.

    The following Weeklong Seminars will take place during September - November, 2012:

    The Italy Meets Germany Conference – ( Berlin, September 17th – 20th, 2012)
    The Germany Meets Turkey Conference – (Berlin, November 5th – 9th, 2012)
    The Germany Meets Morocco Conference – (Berlin, November 5th – 9th, 2012)
    The Germany Meets Greece Conference - (Berlin, November 5th – 9th, 2012)
    The Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 7th – 11th, 2012)
    The UK Meets Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 6th – 11th, 2012)
    The Germany meets Slovenia Conference – (Berlin, November 6th – 11th, 2012)

    *Participants of the November 2012 weeklong Seminars will participate in international conference: The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference.


    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. Over the past decade, the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all backgrounds from across the world.

    Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming programs. If you no longer wish to receive emails from the ICD, please send us an email at indicating this.

    With warmest regards,

    Mark Donfried
    Director & Founder
    Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 5 Déc - 4:17